With just days to go before the provincial election in British Columbia, it now appears unlikely that the majority of voters will opt to replace the existing electoral system.

According to an Angus Reid Strategies poll, which was commissioned by CTV and the Globe and Mail, support for the existing first-past-the-post electoral system is running at 55 per cent.

By contrast, the proposed single-transferable-vote system is supported by only 45 per cent of the people surveyed in the poll.

According to Angus Reid Strategies, awareness of the referendum on electoral reform has risen in the last week. However, the polling company said this rise in awareness seems to have lowered the chances of BC-STV being implemented in the next provincial election.

That may come as a relief to critics who say that the BC-STV system is too complex, and British Columbians should stick with current electoral system in the May 12 election.

See related links: www.BCreferendum2009.ca

See related links: www.angusreidstrategies.com